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Is Your Home Losing Heat? 3 Ways To Evaluate Your Windows

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When you live somewhere that gets chilly during the winter, it's a good idea to stay on top of checking your home for any insulation concerns. Depending on the age and condition of your windows, they could be the culprit to a lot of heat loss from your home. Not only can this add to your energy bills, but it can also make it drafty and uncomfortable to sit or lay down near a window.

If you're unsure whether your windows are the problem, consider the following tips to help you determine if your windows need replacement. 

Check the Frames

The frames around your windows could cause heat loss due to a lack of weatherstripping and other issues. The frames should be tight to the glass and the walls without gaps that allow air to escape or enter. If you shake your window pane and notice a rattling sound, it could be due to the window being loose in the frame. 

This problem will require professional help to assess the frame and the windows to make the necessary repairs. 

Look for Cracks or Defects

If your windows are older and haven't had much maintenance done, there may be cracks in the glass that could be causing leaks. Small defects can be difficult to notice on a daily basis, but looking closely at your windows can expose these issues that require your attention.

Defects and cracks in older windows may not be repairable, making it best to opt for replacement windows since they will improve your home's energy efficiency.

Schedule an Inspection

It can be difficult to determine your windows' condition on your own. Reaching out to a professional to inspect your windows can allow every window in your home to get examined and any issues noted down for repairs. An inspection will make it obvious to know which windows need replacement and make it easy for you to discuss your options.

This inspection will give you a time frame of which windows need replacement first and in what order, along with what to expect for the cost.

Getting ready for the window means ensuring that your home is as well insulated as possible to prevent heat loss. If you're eager to update your windows to make the interior of your home as comfortable as possible and cut down on energy costs, reach out to a professional to examine your windows. This can make it easy for you to have any windows replaced in a timely manner and keep your home warm during the winter. 

Reach out to a local service, such as New Beginnings Window and Door, to learn more.
