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Updating Your Tub During A Bathroom Remodeling

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The bathtub is a central fixture for the bathroom, and this can make it a popular option to upgrade when a homeowner is remodeling this area of the home. During the process of planning for the bathroom remodeling process, the work that you choose to do for the bathtub will need to be a central part of your planning.

Determine If Refinishing The Bathtub Will Be A Suitable Option For Your Tub

If your bathtub is largely in good condition, you may decide that you can save money by avoiding replacing it. However, you can still revitalize its look by having it fully refinished. This will restore the appearance and condition of the tub's exterior so that it will look as good as the day that it was first installed. While this can potentially save you a substantial amount on your bathroom remodeling project, it is also suitable if the tub is free of damage. Cracks or other structural issues with the tub may require it to be replaced.

Weigh The Accessibility Of Any New Bathtub

The bathtub is one of the areas that will be among the most hazardous due to the risk of slipping or tripping when entering and exiting the tub. If you are choosing to install a new bathtub, take some time to review the accessibility that you will ant from your tub. This is particularly important for those that have mobility issues as they may struggle with safely entering and exiting the tub, but a walk-in tub may allow them to greatly reduce the risks that come with bathing. Choosing a bathtub with a textured finish can also improve accessibility by reducing the risk of slipping on the wet tub.

Add Shelving And Other Storage Options Near The Tub

A common issue that homeowners will have with their bathrooms is that this is an area that can be prone to becoming extremely messy and disorganized. This can be particularly problematic with the area around the bathtub as you may need to store various shampoo, conditioning, and soap products. For those with multiple people in their household, this can quickly lead to this area becoming extremely disorganized and hard to navigate. To combat this problem, you can install additional shelving around the bathtub. This can often be built into the walls so that you can store the various items you will need while bathing without needing to keep them along the rim of the tub or the floor surrounding it.

To learn more information about residential tub remodel, reach out to remodeling services near you.
