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Three Reasons To Move Your Toilet Away From Your Bathtub

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When you're looking to make various rooms in your home more functional, it can be ideal to start in the bathroom — a space in which you may not spend the bulk of your time, but one that needs to possess a high degree of functionality. When they're built, many homes have bathrooms that may offer all the amenities that you need, but don't necessarily give you a layout that is ideal. One common layout that you'll find is the toilet next to the bathtub. This is ideal from a builder's perspective because the two drains can be merged, but your local remodeling contractor can work with you to determine a better bathroom layout. Here are three reasons to move the toilet away from the tub.

It's Better For The Person In The Tub

Imagine being in the tub, enjoying a relaxing bath, and then having your spouse or partner come into the bathroom to use the toilet. Doing so might seem like a breach of etiquette, but if you live in a one-bathroom home, this may be a common occurrence. Regardless of how he or she is going to the bathroom, this isn't a very pleasant experience for the person who is trying to relax in the tub. Even if the toilet isn't in use, the person in the tub may smell it. With the toilet across the bathroom, this scene becomes more bearable.

It's Easier To Clean

Cleaning around the toilet is integral to keeping your bathroom smelling fresh, but when the toilet is just inches from the bathtub, it can be difficult to give the former the thorough cleaning that it needs. For example, you might struggle to reach around to scrub the floor at the base of the toilet, where dried urine may be present. If your home remodeling contractor can renovate your bathroom to move the toilet away, it may be in a spot in which you can get better access to it.

It Can Break Up The Look

The bathtub and toilet are two of the bulkier elements in your bathroom, which means that when they're next to one another, this room can lack visual balance. In some bathroom layouts, one side of the room may be cluttered with these fixtures, while the other side can look a little sparse. Moving the toilet over to the sparser side of the room can help to achieve more visual balance in the bathroom.
