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Tips For Using Gel Stain To Successfully Refinish Kitchen Cabinets

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If you want kitchen cabinets with a unique look, then you may want to think about refinishing them on your own. There are a wide variety of products you can use that include stain and paint. If you do not like the mostly opaque look of stain or the solid appearance of paint, then you can opt for something in the middle. Gel stain offers just this solution, but you may have difficulty figuring out how to apply the gel properly for a decent look on the cabinetry. Keep reading to learn about a few tips that can help you.

Use A Cloth To Apply

Gel paint or gel stain is actually a stain product, although it does not look or act like stain. In fact, the gel material will sit mostly on top of the wood and will only penetrate the surface a small amount. The gel material is thick in consistency and looks like colored jelly. The product contains very little of the solvent that allows stain to flow thinly and evenly over a wood surface. It contains a great deal of pigment though, and this is why gel stain looks quite dark when you open it. In many cases, the gel will appear black even though it will look much lighter when applied to the cabinets.

While both stain and paint can be added to cupboards with the help of a paintbrush, the gel stain must be added with the assistance of a clean cloth. All brushes, including the sponge varieties, will create an uneven surface with highly visible brush strokes. 

While you can use a cotton cloth to apply the stain, you can use something called a stain cloth as well. This type of cloth is lint-free. It is typically a highly absorbent microfiber or terry cloth product. Once you have the cloth that you desire, scoop up some of the gel and use the cloth to add the stain while using circular motions on the wood. 

Remove The Doors

One of the benefits of using gel paint is the fact that you do not have to complete a great deal of preparation. The cabinets only need to be lightly sanded so the waterproof coating is released from the surface. Gel stain will successfully cover small dings, scratches, and other imperfections, so they do not need to be sanded out before the stain is added. 

While minimal preparation is a positive attribute of using the gel stain, you should remove the doors from the cabinets before you stain them. The gel is thick and can be hard to apply if the cabinets are still connected. Removing the hinges and placing the cabinet doors on a level surface is wise before you complete any staining. 

For more information, contact a professional in your area like those found at Cabinets Taylor Made Inc.
